Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Money making scam settings-when a scam is not really a scam?

I've been in the market for 20 years, 13 of those years that I've been doing it on the Internet. As an experienced entrepreneur, I came across more than my share of business opportunities, schemes and scams.

Everyone should understand the difference between a farce, a real business and what some people might label a scam, but often don't. This is important because many people are afraid to participate in the perfectly legitimate business opportunities that could be giving them extra income for their families in these difficult times.

Real scam Scam definitions: Firstly, let me explain actual scams.About the end of the spectrum are programs that are fraudulent, unlawful, immoral or a flagrant rip-off. these may include games "con" where professional rip-off artists have no legitimate business opportunity, but simply are making money by stealing money, time or resources for you. Or, even worse, they can continue to cause damage to you after the initial event in other ways also, such as having their personal information, including credit card information and sell it to other people or even steal your identity.

Really, the best defence with these is to speak with someone from the company. Usually you can get a feel if they have something to hide after questioning someone for a few minutes.Do some research online for more information about the type of opportunity is, whether it is a typical scam, or if the company is listed on the sites of scam.

Real companies call scamsOn the other end of the spectrum are thousands of real business opportunities where you can really make some money. many of these are similar programs you see on the Internet today and involves working at home, virtual assistants, affiliate marketing and selling products, software or e-books.

Even though I would classify these programs as real businesses, this means are perfect. These shortcomings Is that often result in people labeling some of these companies as "scams". Here are some reasons why these companies are real and legitimate calls scams some people:

1) Are the competition for a program that they are trying to sell.I've seen it many times when a person is selling a program trying to make money and all the other labels or specific competitors like blows to scare people away from your competition.

2) they really have hyped marketing.This hype and exaggeration in marketing materials don't make it a scam in itself it is just marketing. Just because there are great sources of reds, with yellow highlighting does not necessarily mean is a scam.

3) who tried the program and could not do what they expected due to lack of knowledge, time, effort or money.Many people have talked to not want to put in the effort or time or money to kick started marketing program.

4) incorrect Expectations.Expectations are critical if they expected to make $ 50000 in the first month and make only $ 5000, then you call it a scam.($ 5000 per month is fine for a program)!

5) program not told them all information in front.This could be the most common theme, because before they signed up the program said that anyone could do it, however, after they signed up they perceive to be successful, you have to really know how to write articles, or how to do Internet marketing.For me, this is not the fault of the program, you should know what is necessary, before joining.

6) don't feel like a real bargain. Many business opportunities simply sell the same program to others. There is really not much substance to the program, not just the promise of making money. every person sells the promise to the next person and so on and so forth. these can really make some money to people.

SummaryThere are many scams, frauds and cons that you have to watch out for today. do your research and talk to people involved with them to make sure and avoid those. However, there are many legitimate business opportunities online today hidden behind some of these programs over hyped that can earn extra money for you and your family if you don't understand these differences and buy the negative generalizations about business opportunities, you may lose out on that money.

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